FisEs '15
XX Congreso de Física Estadística
5 - 7 de Octubre de 2015, Badajoz
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Conferencias invitadas
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Conferencias invitadas
Conferenciantes invitados (confirmados)
Conferencias de 1 hora (50+10minutos)
J. Marro (Universidad de Granada)
Is the mind a complex of phase transitions?
Hydrodynamics of active bacterial fluids
: From the hydrodynamics point of view, assemblies of microscopic swimmers dispersed in a fluid, at very low Reynolds number, display emergent properties differing strongly from those of passive suspensions. Balances of momentum and energy as well the constitutive transport properties, are deeply modified by the active momentum sources distributed in the bulk. In the laboratory, we use E-Coli suspensions to address several of these fundamental problems around the statistical mechanics and the hydrodynamics of active fluids. We studied the enhanced Brownian diffusivity, the active shear viscosity and the anomalous dispersion of bacteria in confined environments. In this presentation, I will present some recent results and address in particular, the question of bacterial organization under flow and its impact on transport hydrodynamic properties.
P. Tarazona (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Forces and motions in biological systems
Y. Moreno (Instituto de Bicocomputación y Física de los Sistemas Complejos, Zaragoza)
Contagion Processes on Multilayer Systems
L. Bocquet (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris)
Osmosis beyond van't Hoff
G. Parisi (Universidad de Roma La Sapienza)
Classical and quantum landscape in glasses
Conferencias de 30 minutos (25+5minutos)
J. M. Tavares (ISEL y Universidad de Lisboa)
Patchy particles as models for self-assembly: chains, rings, branches and gels
T. López-León (CNRS, ESPCI Paris)
When chiral liquid crystals are confined to spherical geometries
V. Lucarini (Universidad de Hamburgo)
Response Theory in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Climate Change Prediction and Parametrizations
C. Valeriani (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Self-propelled particles: self-assembly and active depletion
D. G. Míguez (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
Theoretical approaches to stem cell differentiation
FisEs '15 |
Developed by IFISC lab